Crystals for Strange Times
We are living in strange times, but nature hasn’t changed. Magical and metaphysical energies still exist, and are as willing to be our allies as ever. This blog was originally a zine posted to my Instagram, but this blog includes two extra crystals that I mentioned in my Instagram live stream on March 24 2020.
Howlite- Howlite carries gentle energy, and aides in reducing stress and anxiety. Howlite is like a comfortable, starry night where you feel safe, and can truly breathe, truly release. This stone helps us to breathe, to calm, to self-soothe and help us sleep. Howlite is like the white noise, the ASMR, of crystals.
Bloodstone- Bloodstone is a variation of Jasper, so it carries all that magic, but still has its own distinct energy. This stone is highly protective, balancing, and grounding, while also helping us adjust to new circumstances, and helps to absorb the pain of a situation. Bloodstone helps us cope with change, especially when that change is painful.
Black Tourmaline- “Free your mind, and the rest will follow” (En Vogue) Black tourmaline helps transmute negative energy and thoughts, as well as cleanse (and free) the mind of negative thought patterns, stress and anxiety. This stone is protective AF, and brings a sense of balance and stability. Black tourmaline reminds you that you got this. It even protects against electromagnetic radiation.
Onyx- Stability + groundedness is a recipe for moving forward. Onyx helps bring balance and support to our lives, offering protection along the way. This stone also encourages our bravery and sense of purpose to come to the surface. You are supported.
Honey Calcite- Honey calcite is THE supportive stone. It gives us the power to tap into our own skills, talents, and energies. Honey calcite can help us learn new things, and get motivated. This stone also helps boost and amplify energy, especially positive vibez.
Lapis Lazuli- Long seen as a stone of royalty, and used as a pigment to paint the Virgin Mary’s robes. Lapis Lazuli is magical. This stone works with the third eye and throat chakras. This allows us to connect with our intuitions and insights, but also helps us to see and speak the truth.
Chrysophrase- Like The Fool card, chrysophrase teaches us to let go and trust. Trust ourselves, the universe, the outcome. Sometimes if we hold on too tightly, we are also preventing movement and change. Trust that things are happening for your greatest benefit. If things don’t feel okay, take that leap of faith and move forward.
“Let go and trust.”
Rhodochrosite- This crystal is all about emotional healing, opening ourselves up to emotional transmutation and forgiveness of self. Rhodochrosite also opens us up to new love, compassion, and unconditional love, all the while encouraging us to accept and forgive ourselves first. As RuPaul says, “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?” Amen, mother.
“I accept myself. I love myself. I forgive myself.”
I chose to include chrysophrase and rhodochrosite because in strange times (like a worldwide pandemic) it’s easy to forgot about love, especially the love and care we show ourselves. On my aforementioned live stream, I talked about trust and forgiveness. Right now it can be hard to feel trust or forgiveness. With trust and forgiveness comes love, patience, acceptance. For ourselves, and for others.
Let’s say those crystal mantras one more time for the people in the back.
Let go and trust.
I accept myself. I love myself. I forgive myself.
The witch says: these are rough draft versions of crystal interpretations that I am writing about for my book. The book itself is a work in progress, with the research and writing for these crystals (and many, many, more) coming from a place of creating correspondences for the Major Arcana. Sound like that’s up your alley? Stay tuned.