WITCH 101 : Sacred Spaces
What is a sacred space? The words often conjure images of incense filled temples or an Instagram-ready meditation studio. Both may be sacred, but sacred spaces don’t need to be perfect or ready for the public eye. Your sacred space is yours.
I think a lot of witchcraft and spirituality boil down to being authentic, and feeling deeply connected and aligned with your heart and soul and the Ether. To create a truly sacred space is to connect with that authentic higher self. For me, that sacred space can be my studio, where I have carefully selected everything and organized it to my liking. Or, a sacred space can be outdoors in nature. A sacred space can be when I am alone in an art gallery. A sacred space is created when I am curled up in my bed with my cats, surrounded by books and listening to music that makes me feel connected.
A sacred space need not be perfect. It can be created through spontaneity, and a need for something more. I find that I often unintentionally create a sacred space whenever I’m writing. Even in a coffee shop, I’ll find myself in that place where my higher self, and my authentic self, reside. I’ll play music, choose a helpful crystal ally (usually smoky quartz. That baby always helps me focus!). I’ll sit, cozy and comfortable, in a favourite spot, ready to tap into the reservoir of thoughts and feelings in my mind.
The object of creating a sacred space is to create a sanctuary. Sanctuary can be a good word to define what we’re talking about. I get the impression that sometimes the word ‘sacred’ scares people off, because it feels very religious (and the dictionary definitions definitely point to that). Words like worship, God, prayer, whatever, are not created by religious doctrines, nor are they held or owned by organized religion. They are simply words for spiritual tools that we all use. To pray is to speak aloud your wishes and intentions. To be sacred is to be wholly connected with the universe, the Ether, and beyond. As witches and magical practitioners, we hold the power to connect with any higher powers we choose, and we can use whatever means we choose to do that.
A sacred space is crucial for witchcraft, but it can look like anything. Your sacred space is a space where you can connect with your higher self, your guides, your deities, your whoevers. A space where you can cast spells and create magic without distractions or interruptions, where you can sink into another realm. The space can be temporary (looking at those witches who are in the broom closet), created in meaningful or unexpected ways. Sometimes a sacred space will be carefully curated, a permanent fixture in your home or life. A sacred space is personal, precious, a sanctuary. When I think of the word ‘sacred’ it can conjure so many different feelings and mental images, depending on my mood. Often times I think of the times that I have been alone in nature, where there are no sounds except for my own breath and heart beat. I picture my childhood home, which was on a massive ranch in Southwest Saskatchewan. Sacred creates pictures of that ranch in the winter, when the snow stretched on for miles, broken only by the pawprints of jack rabbits and coyotes. I think of April 2020, during the first part of the quarantimes, before provincial parks closed. I drove out to Dinosaur Provincial Park, and drew tarot cards while sitting on a rock face.
If there’s one takeaway from my spiritual journey, it’s that everything is too heavily commodified, and it can distract us from what we’re actually trying to accomplish when it comes to magic. When you are told (even unconsciously) that to be valid you partake in certain things you need to spend money, your individual sacred space is being harmed. True spirituality doesn’t call for a need to buy this product or purchase that thing, or your space should look a certain way. These things can make us feel more magical or appeal to our sense of aesthetic (there’s nothing wrong with that), but spirituality does not need anything except your intent and your focus to work. Your soul and your craft need and want nothing more than a sense of pure authenticity.
Helpful things to have in your sacred space
-things that make you feel comfortable. For me, that can be the cushions and blankets in my studio, or my very broken-in boots.
-non-human allies, such as plants or crystals. These kinds of friends help us connect to the natural world, which can be helpful for those of us who live in a concrete jungle. Witchcraft has always called for a connection to the natural world in some way, and if we can’t go out to nature, we can always bring her inside through house plants and stones.
-calming energy
-a journal, or something to write in. This might be your Grimoire or Book of Shadows, but it can also just be some random loose leaf paper you have leftover from high school or university (I can’t be the only one who still has reams of unused paper waiting to be used). It can be helpful to write down whatever’s on your mind, even if it’s simply to exorcise your mind and burn the paper.
-things that smell nice
-it can include an altar, or only be an altar
-your presence and your being
How to find sacred space when you’re not at home
When things are normal (i.e. not in the throes of a global pandemic) I tend to travel a lot, usually by myself on little pilgrimages to Salem, MA. During these times, I tend to make my temporary residences into as sacred of spaces as I can. This is inspite of the fact that I’m not the tidiest or the most organized person when I’m traveling. During these times, I tend to have a few talismans of home, and I bring along my witchy essentials (a couple of crystals and my tarot deck). I’ll keep these items in my carry-on, and keep them on my bedside table when I’m at my temporary place. These items help ground me. A big part of creating a sacred space is finding a way to ground yourself, while also opening yourself up to the universe and beyond. Use your talismans, draw sigils, speak aloud your intentions. You can do these things when you’re at home, on a bus, out for a walk, or in another country. These are little bits of the craft that are transformative on so many levels, and make everything magical and sacred.
You are a sacred space. You are a sacred being.